Addressing the Dress Code

We will skip the pant-less Zoom meeting jokes and get right to it. There is appropriate work attire, regardless of whether your staff is attending virtual or in-person meetings. 

Management needs to set expectations and hold staff accountable.

We have seen many employees express reluctance to go back to wearing the business attire that was once expected pre-pandemic. Others simply want to know what is required. Most people appreciate the guidance.

We typically see two options in today’s office and hybrid work from home environment:

1)    Business attire (suits)

2)    Business casual (which may or may not include jeans as an option)

T-shirts, shirts without collars and footwear such as flip-flops, and sandals are always inappropriate.

The dress code should be enforce regardless of where your staff is working, home, office, or on the road.

Our research shows that while employees tend to prefer the business casual option, they largely respect management’s decision which they see as being based on what is appropriate when interacting with the people outside the organization.


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